Artificial Grass Maintenance
Artificial Grass Maintenance relies on rainfall as a natural, synthetic grass cleanser. In areas where rainfall is scarce, an occasional water flush is beneficial to cleanse the turf. For care and maintenance of lightly soiled areas, it may be necessary to sponge with a five percent solution of low suds household detergent in hot water followed by thorough rinsing with hot water.
For heavily soiled areas, repeat the procedure for lightly soiled areas: sponge mopping using a three-percent solution of household ammonia in hot water, followed by thorough rinsing with hot water.
Artificial Grass Maintenance Tips
Artificial Grass Maintenance with Animal waste:
Artificial grass is safe for pets, and cleaning up their solid waste is as easy as on real grass. So plastic bags and pooper scoopers work just fine! Following the pickup, hose down the target area of the turf. Also, weekly rinsing will help your lawn smell fresh and odor-free. We also offer Turf Fresh and Zeolite Max to eliminate any unpleasant odors caused by pets further.
Artificial Grass Maintenance and Brushing:
Brushing is directly related to foot traffic in your artificial grass area. Matting of fibers may occur in high-foot-traffic regions, especially if fibers have become soiled with dirt and other airborne pollutants.
Cross-brushing the turf can help restore the appearance of artificial grass. “Cross-brushing” means brushing against the grain of the synthetic grass fibers. By doing this periodically, the fibers are fluffed up. Use an artificial turf bristle brush. Never use a brush with metal or wire bristles, as this will damage the synthetic turf fibers.
Please remember that heavier traffic areas may appear different than other sectors that do not see heavy traffic. We highly recommend brushing as a significant aspect of artificial grass maintenance. Cross-brushing will ensure the full life of Green-R Turf Artificial Gras
Stains and other blemishes:
Artificial Grass Maintenance: The number one rule is Promptness. It is always easier to clean up a new spill than one that has dried and hardened. Remove any paste-like solid with a spatula. Blot up excess liquids with a clean cloth or a dry absorbent, such as kitty litter or Fuller’s earth. Swept or vacuumed up dry absorbents afterward.
Artificial grass fibers are excellently resistant to staining. However, they are only one component of the artificial grass system. Cleaning agents are safe for the face fibers but can harm other turf system elements. Therefore, there are two groups of cleaning agents.
sparingly and avoid penetration beneath the turf are the following:
The first group of cleaners – apply without any particular precautions are the following:
“Simple Green,” a bio-friendly cleaner, follows the manufacturers’ guidelines.
Use a three percent ammonia solution in water instead of household detergent for more stubborn stains.
Do not use cleaners that contain chlorine bleaches. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean cold water to remove any traces of soap or ammonia and blot up the excess liquid.
Use a warm, mild household or suds detergent solution for delicate fabrics. Use approximately one teaspoon to one pint of water. It will handle most waterborne stains, including:
- Urine.
- Blood.
- Ketchup.
- Dye.
- Paint and Water Colors.
- Fruit and Vegetable Juice.
- Milk.
- Mustard.
- Glue.
- Dye.
The second group of cleaners, where the agent must be applied sparingly and avoid penetration beneath the turf are the following:
Use mineral spirits or a grease spot remover sold by most stores.
Cleansers in this category should handle most oil-based stains, including the following:
- Asphalt, Tar, Motor Oil, and Grease.
- Cooking or Suntan Oil.
- Paraffin wax.
- Ballpoint Ink and Crayon.
- Nail Polish and Lipstick.
Caution: Mineral spirits and other petroleum-based solvents are flammable.
With the usage of solvent cleaners, make sure the area is well-ventilated.
Chewing gum or Tree Sap:
Remove Chewing gum and tree sap by freezing them. Aerosol refrigerant packs are available from most carpet cleaning suppliers for this purpose or when dry ice is used. After freezing, scrape with a knife.
Fungus or mold spots:
A one (1) percent solution of hydrogen peroxide in water can sponge onto the affected area. Flush thoroughly with clean water after application.
Artificial Grass Maintenance – Do Not Abuse Policy:
Green-R Turf artificial grass is made of strong, durable fibers, and certain precautions must be taken to prevent damage to the artificial turf. Our Artificial Grass Maintenance relies on the following rules below:
Do not place Furniture and equipment with sharp edges on artificial grass. It may puncture or tear the artificial grass.
Keep cigarettes, fireworks, and open flames away from the artificial grass. Although they cannot ignite the artificial grass, they can damage it by fusing fibers.
Cap off or remove nearby sprinkler heads. Water from sprinkler systems can leave mineral deposits on the turf.
Do not expose the turf to reflected sunlight windows as this may fuse the artificial grass fibers.
Never leave a parked vehicle idling on the turf.
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